East Monitor Barn Restoration
A Project of the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps
Project Overview
The first two phases of restoration are complete on Vermont Youth Conservation Corp’s historic East Monitor Barn in Richmond, VT. The East Monitor Barn was built in 1901 and is one of the few remaining large-scale dairy barns of its time. VYCC acquired the barn and surrounding land in 2008, at which time it was already in need of restoration. In addition to saving an icon of Vermont’s landscape, restoring the barn is critical to strengthening VYCC’s growing programs in the years to come.
Restoration activity in 2023 and 2024 is part of a larger VYCC initiative to enhance the VYCC experience and to make VYCC more accessible. The barn’s restoration is a keystone in our efforts to improve and create housing, build four-season teaching spaces, expand our office space, and provide more efficient tool and equipment storage.
A restored barn will provide a space for youth and young adults to learn best practices in conservation and sustainable agriculture, make significant contributions to their community, and experience a safe and functional work environment. We invite you to learn more about the project and how you can get involved below.
Current Barn Condition
Great news: the East Monitor Barn is once again plumb and straight!
At 54 feet wide, 112 feet long, and nearly 70 feet tall, the East Monitor Barn is the largest structure on the VYCC campus and is prominently visible from Route 2 and Interstate 89. It is a “bank barn,” built into a hill at its northern end, allowing grade entry into three of four levels of the building.
Over time, the north retaining wall had shifted south toward Route 2, causing the entire building to list forward. In 2023, Building Heritage and partners lifted the barn, repaired timbers and walls at the lower levels, restored the foundation, and set it back down again. On the southern end, we recreated the barn’s original central entrance.
Below, please find detailed accounts and photos of restoration efforts to date on our blog.
Phase One: Stabilization 2023
Eliot Lothrop of Building Heritage has been lead restorationist for this project. While the task of restoring this immense structure was daunting, we completed Phase One on time. We started by lifting the upper floors off of the stock and ground level floors. We suspended 500,000 pounds while laying a new foundation and restoring timbers.
On the northern end, we stabilized the soil to reduce southward pressure and prepared the area to accept insulation, a vapor barrier, and drainage systems in the future. On the southern end, we recreated the barn’s original central entrance and hearth.
Phase Two: Upper-Level Restoration 2024
Eliot Lothrop of Building Heritage continued his masterful work in repairing the upper two stories of the barn and the roof. The original slate roof and flashing had seen little to no maintenance besides emergency repairs since the barn was built.
We performed major timber repairs on the main roof. Jeff Spencer and the crew at Stewardship Slate repaired sheathing and slate along the length of the monitor roof.

2023 Stabilization Timeline
Remove first floor, begin excavation work and site prep, mill timbers from local forests
Jack the building from the hay mow up, continue excavation, begin timber removal and repair
Remove and repair damaged timbers, pour concrete footings and interior piers, stabilize northern wall with geotextile fabric, repair stonework throughout
Install new and repaired timbers, start laying stone on top of the new concrete frost wall, install basement posts, lower the barn and reattach upper section to lower stock level
Re-sheath exterior walls below haymow level, install temporary windows, frame central southern entranceway, install new floor on stock level
Install engineered flooring system and subfloor the stock level
2024 Upper-Level Restoration Timeline
Excavate around the base of the barn for improved drainage, complete repair work on the north wall, begin removing old slate from roof
Timber repair work begins in the monitor (upper loft area), sheathing and covering the monitor with roofing underlayment
Strip slate from the main roof on the east side, continue timber repairs
Close main roof, continue timber repairs
Reinstall slate roofing using a combination of salvageable and new slate
Continue slate installation
Get Involved
The restoration of the East Monitor Barn is supported in part by a Save America’s Treasures grant from the Historic Preservation Fund, administered by the National Park Service. This project is also supported in part by many individuals, foundations, and corporations who share our vision for historic preservation and expanded programming. Your tax-deductible gift to the VYCC will help ensure a functional, vibrant, and lasting space in which youth and young adults will learn vital skills, while supporting Vermont’s natural environment and its residents.

Learn More
Curious about construction updates, latest news, and partner features? See our blog posts below. We'll continue adding updates as the restoration progresses.
To learn more about Vermont Youth Conservation Corps, visit vycc.org.
To discover more about the restoration, contact Eliot Lothrop of Building Heritage via email Eliot@BuildingHeritage.com or phone at (802) 598–9344.
To inquire more about the purpose of the restoration, contact Breck Knauft, VYCC Executive Director, via email at breck.knauft@vycc.org or phone at (802) 598-6386.

Latest Updates

Barn Restoration Provides Training in the Trades
December 16, 2024Phase Two of the 1901 East Monitor Barn Restoration is complete. The 123-year-old dairy barn is now straight, plumb, and resting on a new foundation. A fully repaired slate roof will protect the barn for generations to come.

East Monitor Barn: April 2024 Construction Updates
May 6, 2024Phase Two of restoration kicked off April 9, 2024. Work is happening on the ground (improving drainage) and in the air (stripping slate). Find details, photos, and introductions to two new team members in this post.

East Monitor Barn: November & December Construction Updates
January 10, 2024It’s a new year, and the East Monitor Barn is looking newer by the day! Since lowering the barn back onto the restored foundation, the restoration team has added steel reinforcement, reframed a large portion of the lower walls, and much more…